About Me

I am a born again Christian that loves serving God. I am a very devoted mother, and am very fortunate to be married to my best friend. I work full time in ministry, and I love it!

In 2008, God called me to run for Him. I had no idea why, or why He chose me. I was obedient, and began running.

In that first year, I was diagnosed with severe asthma, and shortly following, told that I was going deaf. The Lord renewed my strength, my spirit, and gave me His endurance to run. My specialists can not explain why my lungs are progressively getting worse, and at the same time I run 10 miles or more every other day!

My journey has been a difficult one, and is far from over. I run as His chosen instrument. My pain is a sacrifice unto Him. My sweat is an offering to my Savior. When I want to give up and quit, He renews my strength. When the pain in my lungs begins, I lay hands upon myself while running, and He removes it! I am living, breathing testimony that Jesus Christ is still in the healing business, and that He can do ALL things! He is what this life is all about.

I am currently training for the Boston Marathon, which is the hardest marathon in the U.S. It's my desire to run as many marathons as He will allow me to run, and tell my story nation wide to glorify Him. Nothing is impossible through Christ! I pray that whatever you are doing, no matter whether it is big or small, you do it for His glory.

Never forget that you are His favorite!